$495,0004,992 sqft lot 18,296 sqftMLS 603802111 Days on Market
3,248 sqft lot 31,364 sqftMLS 501700002 Days on Market
1,900 sqft lot 17,424 sqftMLS 501698405 Days on Market
lot 6.88 acMLS 704586555 Days on Market
$300,0008,500 sqft lot 2.26 acMLS 501697026 Days on Market
$209,0001,350 sqft lot 13,940 sqftMLS 603792816 Days on Market
$650,0005,250 sqftMLS 603786898 Days on Market
10,848 sqft lot 10,890 sqftMLS 7045779010 Days on Market
$199,0001,355 sqft lot 20,038 sqftMLS 6037813811 Days on Market
$50,0001,250 sqft lot 6,534 sqftMLS 5016921812 Days on Market
$149,9001,185 sqft lot 5.00 acMLS 6037799412 Days on Market
$350,0004,868 sqft lot 24,394 sqftMLS 6037757213 Days on Market
$350,0004,302 sqft lot 22,652 sqftMLS 6037756413 Days on Market
$1,500,0001,296 sqft lot 1.93 acMLS 6037678717 Days on Market
$5,000,00020,000 sqft lot 5.08 acMLS 7045586820 Days on Market
$2,950,00047,319 sqft lot 2.92 acMLS 5016843821 Days on Market
$495,0002,700 sqft lot 15,682 sqftMLS 5016842121 Days on Market
7,736 sqft lot 3.41 acMLS 6037545522 Days on Market
$1,000,0005,800 sqft lot 17,424 sqftMLS 6037497925 Days on Market
$250,000lot 17,424 sqftMLS 6037496825 Days on Market
3,400 sqftMLS 7045501425 Days on Market
$695,0003,840 sqftMLS 6037476926 Days on Market
952 sqft lot 17,860 sqftMLS 7045492226 Days on Market
$399,0005,024 sqft lot 4.67 acMLS 6037455626 Days on Market
$229,000lot 5,663 sqftMLS 6037393128 Days on Market
$299,0002,010 sqft lot 2,614 sqftMLS 6037234336 Days on Market
3,000 sqft lot 3.30 acMLS 5016715438 Days on Market
6,452 sqft lot 9.28 acMLS 5016699740 Days on Market
$700,00010,024 sqft lot 7.96 acMLS 5016697740 Days on Market
$475,00021,085 sqft lot 13.60 acMLS 5016692041 Days on Market

Source MLS: MiRealSource
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